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What is the Terrifying Tales Podcast?

The Terrifying Tales Podcast gives kids the chance to tell their own stories as a produced podcast! Each story has either been created by a child, meaning they came up with the idea, and/or written by a child, edited and coauthored by the creator (me!) of Terrifying Tales, and then read by a child! I have several nieces and nephews who love scary stories. I realized that kids don't always find the same things scary as adults do. Which begged the question--what do kids find scary?

My nieces and nephews started telling me scary stories for fun, and I realized that they were not only good but actually pretty scary! I wanted to find a medium where they could tell their stories. Initially, I thought about doing a book of their stories with illustrations by them and other kids. Because of the cost of printing, I let the project slide a bit.

Then I realized a podcast would be a great way to get their stories out there! And the bonus was that they could tell it themselves!

All the terrifying tales are clean, fun, and spooky stories. Some are even silly!

The most important to remember is that this is all make-believe...

...or is it?

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